Kebolehbacaan jadi keutamaan, Kufi Murabba and Software Tools


MELIHAT kepada tulisan yang bercorak segi empat, orang ramai pasti sukar untuk mengagak bahawa itu merupakan salah satu cabang dalam seni khat.
Namun, keindahannya ternyata mampu menarik minat orang ramai untuk mempelajari serta mengetahui ciri-ciri terkandung dalam seni khat yang dikenali sebagai khat kufi.
Khat itu terbahagi kepada pelbagai corak antaranya khat kufi basit, khat kufi musattar, khat kufi mutalasiq, khat kufi muwarraq dan khat kufi murabba. Namun, antara seni khat kufi yang popular di negara kita dewasa ini ialah kufi murabba.
Siapa sangka dengan hanya menggunakan perisian komputer, setiap individu boleh mempelajari cara-cara serta kaedah berkarya dengan seni khat kufi murabba secara lebih mudah.
“Dengan hanya menggunakan perisian Microsoft Excel, Inkscape dan Adobe Illustrator, semua orang boleh mempelajari serta mempraktikkan kreativiti mereka menerusi khat kufi,” ujar seorang jurukhat kufi, Ariff Ashaari, 49.
Arif pada asalnya meminati seni khat tradisi iaitu khat nasakh, khat thuluth dan khat diwani kemudian memilih khat kufi sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan hariannya dengan menjual hasil karya khat tersebut.
Menurut Ariff, dia banyak mendapat inspirasi untuk mempelajari seni secara tidak formal menerusi sebuah komuniti di laman Facebook.
Komuniti itu banyak membincangkan hal ehwal khat kufi yang adakalanya menimbulkan kekeliruan dalam kalangan orang ramai.
“Saya merupakan antara penggiat awal Friends Of Kufi Square (Foks) sejak 2010. Topik yang sering dibincangkan oleh kami secara keseluruhannya berkisarkan tentang khat kufi sahaja tanpa menyentuh aspek teknikal karya seni khat lain.
“Khat kufi kadangkala menimbulkan kekeliruan kepada orang ramai terutama hal ehwal kebolehbacaan karya-karya kufi. Komuniti ini merungkai pelbagai permasalahan yang sering dilakukan oleh penggiat seni khat serta memberi jalan penyelesaian terbaik terutama aspek teknikal dalam penghasilan seni khat kufi,” ujarnya ketika ditanya mengenai objektif utama Foks.
Usaha Ariff yang menjadikan khat sebagai mata pencarian dalam hidupnya itu bertepatan dengan satu kata-kata yang pernah diungkapkan oleh Saidina Ali iaitu “Hendaklah kamu perelokkan tulisan, kerana ia adalah salah satu daripada punca rezeki.”

WALAUPUN lebih banyak berkomunikasi di laman Facebook, pertemuan Adrin dan Abdul Wahab baru-baru ini berjaya menerbitkan idea baharu dalam penghasilan karya khat kufi yang mudah dibaca.

Nisbah grid
Khat kufi bukanlah sebuah karya yang boleh dipandang rendah kerana khat itu juga menggunakan ayat-ayat suci al-Quran sebagai subjek utama dalam setiap penghasilan karyanya.
Bukti jelas bahawa khat kufi mempunyai nilai-nilai Islam yang tinggi ialah menerusi hiasan yang terdapat di ruang mihrab masjid yang didirikan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW di Madinah iaitu Masjid Nabawi.
Di ruangan Masjid Nabawi, tertera dua potong ayat al-Quran iaitu surah al-Ahzab, ayat 40 dan surah at-Taubah ayat 128 yang menjadi hiasan utama di kiri serta kanan mihrab masjid itu.
Seorang lagi penggiat seni khat kufi yang aktif menerusi Foks, Adrin Zainuddin, 33, memberitahu, setiap ahli Foks juga berusaha untuk menghasilkan karya khat kufi murabba secara kontemporari agar karya kufi mudah diterima oleh segenap lapisan masyarakat.
“Kami mula berdialog di laman Facebook sejak 2010 dan kebanyakan topik yang kami bincangkan ialah mengenai eksperimentasi huruf hijaiyah (huruf alif, ba, ta) yang digunakan dalam seni khat kufi.
“Kami amat mementingkan disiplin dalam setiap penghasilan karya khat kufi. Disebabkan oleh itu, kami telah memperkenalkan nisbah grid untuk dijadikan panduan oleh setiap ahli untuk memandu kaedah penghasilan karya kufi mereka. Setakat ini, karya yang dihasilkan oleh ahli Foks ternyata boleh dibaca dengan jelas oleh orang ramai,” ujar Adrin.
Kelompok individu yang meminati kira-kira serta penyelesaian yang melibatkan aritmetik logik dan geometri pasti tertarik kepada seni khat kufi kerana seni tersebut melibatkan teknik penyusunan huruf yang merupakan salah satu asas penting.
“Kebanyakan karya kufi yang dijual dewasa ini tidak mengikut piawaian yang betul terutamanya dalam penyusunan huruf. Jurukhat akan menokok tambah fizikal huruf untuk memenuhi ruangan serta untuk mencantikkan hasil karya mereka.
“Perbuatan itu secara tanpa sedar telah merosakkan keaslian huruf yang digunakan dalam al-Quran sekali gus menafikan kebolehbacaan sesuatu karya serta menambah kekeliruan orang ramai,” tambah Adrin.
Menurutnya lagi, komen skeptikal mengenai karya khat kufi daripada golongan artis seni merupakan antara cabaran yang terpaksa dihadam olehnya dan pengiat seni khat kufi yang lain.
“Ada antara mereka memberitahu karya kami ini menterbalikkan ayat al-Quran. Tetapi kami mempunyai bukti bahawa kami berada di landasan yang benar kerana berpandukan karya kufi yang terdapat pada Masjid Nabawi dan kaabah,” ujarnya.

ADRIN menunjukkan kaedah penghasilan khat kufi dengan menggunakan perisian Microsoft Excel.

Dakwah melalui karya khat
Selain daripada berkongsi pendapat mengenai seni khat kufi, Foks juga merupakan salah satu medium untuk setiap ahli baharu mempelajari teknik-teknik bagi menghasilkan karya seni itu.
Dengan hanya memuat naik hasil karya mereka di laman Facebook, ahli Foks akan membincangkan teknik yang digunakan oleh ahli baharu dan sekiranya mempunyai masalah untuk membaca karya itu, mereka bersama-sama akan membantu membaiki karya tersebut.
Tidak hanya tertumpu kepada penghasilan karya kufi yang menarik serta mudah dibaca, karya in juga merupakan salah satu dakwah kepada orang ramai.
“Khat kufi berupaya menarik golongan bukan Islam untuk meminati karya seni umat Islam. Ia setidak-tidaknya membangkitkan rasa minat mereka dan memberi informasi bahawa Islam juga mempunyai karya seni hebat,” ujar pengasas laman Facebook Foks, Abdul Wahab Khalid,39.
Beliau memberi contoh penghijrahan dua penulis khat bertaraf dunia sehingga menyebabkan mereka memeluk Islam iaitu Fuad Koachi Honda dari Jepun dan Muhammad Zakariya dari Amerika Syarikat setelah mendalami teknik-teknik seni khat.
Menurut Abdul Wahab yang juga merupakan seorang guru subjek Pendidikan Islam di Sekolah Kebangsaan Datok Keramat, Kuala Lumpur, tempoh untuk mempelajari khat kufi adalah singkat jika dibandingkan dengan seni khat yang lain.
“Di sekolah, saya juga mengajar murid-murid lakaran seni khat iaitu khat nasakh dan khat riqah. Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang boleh diaplikasikan pada penghasilan seni khat, murid-murid akan lebih meminati khat kufi.
“Kewujudan Foks di laman Facebook berupaya memartabatkan seni khat kufi ke tahap yang lebih tinggi.
“Kami berdebat mengenai perkara yang melibatkan pemahaman orang ramai terhadap karya seni umat Islam. Selain itu, kami juga berusaha menjaga kesucian seni khat yang rata-ratanya terdiri daripada ayat-ayat al-Quran,” ujarnya yang juga memegang jawatan sebagai exco dalam Persatuan Seni Khat Kebangsaan (PSKK).

Sumber :

Resources for arabic / jawi calligraphy

Kufi Murabba and Software Tools

DEVELOPMENT Kufi calligraphy writing style in Malaysia was growing and widely used either for decoration or for the purpose of preaching

Just look at the official logo used Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia. Logo museum built in the shape Kufi Murabba work and this clearly shows in the museum’s signature.

What is important in calligraphy is the legibility of a font and message conveyed through every calligraphy works.

President of the National Association of Calligraphy (PSKK), Mohammed Yusof Abu Bakar, 82 told, Kufi calligraphy art and should be in accordance with technological developments.

“Kufi calligraphy born in Iraq and it is produced in the form of bricks. It is organized and used as decorations in mosques and homes. If seen, Kufi calligraphy works the same as using a computer works such as those produced by Foks community.

“What I can see, the content available at the present Kufi calligraphy is not the slightest change the way traditional calligraphy.’s Just a different method of production only. Additionally, it can be completed in a short time,” he said.

Although calligraphy can be generated by computer, Mohammed Yusuf insisted that every Muslim must know to write Jawi writing by hand because it is the centerpiece in the production of khat writing interesting.

“Apart from the verses of the Quran which is produced using Kufi calligraphy works, I suggest that young people apply this work to use the words of wisdom or parable that will grab people’s attention,” he said, which have demonstrated their work on the new banknotes khatnya Bank products.

Readability be priority

SEE the writings in the form of a square, people would be hard pressed to guess that it is one of the branches in calligraphy.

However, beauty is indeed able to attract people to learn and know the features contained in calligraphy, known as khat kufi.

Khat is divided into a variety of designs including Basit Kufi calligraphy, calligraphy musattar Kufi, Kufi calligraphy mutalasiq, Kufi calligraphy and calligraphy Kufi Murabba muwarraq.However, among Kufi calligraphy are popular in our country today is Kufi Murabba.

Who would have thought just by using computer software, individuals can learn how well the method works by calligraphy Kufi Murabba more easily.

“By simply using Microsoft Excel, and Adobe Illustrator Inkscape, everyone can learn and practice their creativity through Kufi calligraphy,” said a calligraphist Kufi, Ariff Ashaari, 49.

Arif was originally interested in the traditional calligraphy nasakh khat, khat khat Diwani thuluth and then choose Kufi calligraphy as one of his daily income by selling the works of calligraphy.

According to Ariff, he was heavily inspired to learn the art of informal through a community Facebook page.

Discuss the many community affairs Kufi calligraphy that sometimes cause confusion among the public.

“I was among the early practitioners Friends Of Kufi Square (Foks) since 2010. Topics frequently discussed by our overall depictions of Kufi calligraphy without touching the technical aspects of the other calligraphy works.

“Kufi calligraphy sometimes cause confusion to the public, especially readability affairs Kufi works. Community is dismantling various problems that are often done by players calligraphy and give the best solution, especially the technical aspects of the production of Kufi calligraphy,” he said when asked about the objectives Foks key.

Ariff effort that makes khat as a livelihood in his life coincided with a remark that was expressed by ‘Ali of “Be cured writing, because it is one of livelihood.”

Grid ratio

Kufi calligraphy is not a work that can be underestimated as khat is also using verses from the Quran as the main subject in every production of his work.

Kufi calligraphy evidence that Islamic values ??have high was through there in space decorative mihrab mosque built by the Prophet in Medina, the Prophet’s Mosque.

Nabawi Mosque in space, set two verse of the Quran Surah al-Ahzab, verse 40 and Surah at-Tawbah verse 128 which is the main decoration on the left and right of the mihrab of the mosque.

The other players are active Kufi calligraphy through Foks, Adrin Zainuddin, 33, tells, each member Foks also strive to create work in contemporary calligraphy Kufi Murabba Kufi work so easily accepted by all walks of life.

“We started a dialogue on Facebook since 2010 and most of the topics we discuss is about experimentation hijaiyah letters (Alif, ba, ta) used in Kufi calligraphy.

“We are very concerned about discipline in every production Kufi calligraphy works. Due to this, we have introduced the ratio of the grid as a guide by the members to drive their Kufi method of work. Currently, the work produced by members Foks appears clearly readable by the public, “said Adrin.

Group of interested individuals about and solutions involving arithmetic and geometric logic certainly attracted to Kufi calligraphy as an art involves typesetting technique is one of the essential basis.

“Most of the work Kufi sold today do not follow the proper standards, particularly in typesetting. Calligraphist will exaggerate physical letters to meet space and to beautify their works.

“The act is without conscious destroyed originality letter used in the Quran thus denying the readability of the work as well as add to the confusion the public,” added Adrin.

According to him, skeptical comments about Kufi calligraphy works of the artist is one of the challenges that had to digest it and Practitioners in other Kufi calligraphy.

“Some of them tell us this work to reverse the verses of the Qur’an. But we have evidence that we are on the right track because there Kufi work based on the Prophet’s Mosque and the temple,” he said.

Preaching through calligraphy works

Apart from sharing the opinion of Kufi calligraphy, Foks also one medium to each new member to learn the techniques for producing the artwork.

By simply uploading their work on Facebook, Foks members will discuss techniques used by new members and if you have trouble reading the work, together they will help improve the work.

Not only focus on production work Kufi interesting and easy to read, work in also one preaching to the people.

“Khat Kufi able to attract non-Muslims to Muslims interested in art. It is at least a sense of their interests and provide information that Islam also has a great work of art,” says the founder of Facebook Foks, Khalid Abdul Wahab, 39.

He cited two writers khat migration causing their world-class converts the Frank Koachi Honda from Japan and Muhammad Zakariya from the United States after learn the techniques of calligraphy.

According to Abdul Wahab, who is also a teacher of Islamic education subjects in the National School Dato ‘Keramat, Kuala Lumpur, to learn calligraphy Kufi period is short compared to the other calligraphy.

“In school, I also teach the students of calligraphy calligraphy sketches and calligraphy riqah nasakh. With the development of technology that can be applied in the production of calligraphy, the students will be more interested in Kufi calligraphy.

“The establishment of the Facebook page Foks able to uphold the Kufi calligraphy to a higher level.

“We argue about matters affecting the public’s understanding of Muslim art. Besides, we also strive to preserve the sanctity of calligraphy mostly composed of verses of the Quran,” he said, which also served as the executive council of the National Association of Calligraphy (PSKK).

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